I’m a literary star…

Ok, not quite. But for a brief moment the other day, I tasted publicity.

It goes like this. I was happily tweeting one day not so long ago when @3GuysRantRadio asked me if I get out to L.A. much. Thinking the question more than a little random, I responded with a negative and a query behind his motive. His response was to ask me whether I would be interested in doing a phone interview. Again, and more than a little confused now, I tweeted “why?” His response this time: the #rantingwaitress.

That’s me, I suppose. Roughly five years ago, I was folding laundry, which included several black aprons. I had recently found employment in my profession and was finally able to hang up my black uniform and non-slip shoes, hopefully forever. And yet this black apron taunted me with memories causing symptoms akin to PTSD (not really, but I’m a writer and I like to add drama.) Anyway, I imagined burning it as my sister had burned her uniform shirt when she departed the food service industry not long after she had entered it. This sounded like such a good idea I began to plot how to best go about fulfilling my pyromaniac urges. I hadn’t gotten very far in my planning when I was struck with a single line running through my head: Never burn your apron.

In a fit of creative inspiration I pounded out this memoir/rant, which in effect helped to cleanse the fryer grease from my soul as much as it was a writing exercise to get the flow going. Then some years later, this year to be exact, I decided I liked it, my family seemed to think it was pretty amusing, so I made a blog and slapped it up. Through some self-promotion, I somehow ended up landing an interview on a radio show.

So with wine in hand, I had a great convo with the people down at 3 Guys Rant Radio about the service industry and philosophies on tipping. I even got to plug my untitled, future novel that has to be completed. Sweetness! Actually, my book does have a title, but it’s a working one and I won’t be willing to share it until I complete the first draft by December. Since my deadline is looming, I should probably stop babbling about my brief foray into literary stardom, or non-stardom, whatever you want to go with, and get writing my book. Chapter…